onsdag 30. mars 2016

Home again

Well, not at home as in the house, but rather at the cottage by the sea. We like it a lot better here than we do at home. It has a lot to do with the surroundings and such, and the quietness of the place. The cat seems to love the place as well. I just let her in, and she has already been asking for new food twice plus gone to bed. She's got her own carpet on the floor in a very convenient distance from her food. 
Some wind today. Or it's not windy as such, but having nets in the ocean in the hope of catching some fishy things it's a bit windy when the hope is to get it all into the boat quite soon. Looks like we might get it done, but I will certainly not hold my breath. I'll let you know at some point. 
The snaps today will all be from totally ruined films. Fixer problems, as it happens. I manage to get a very few, but still very bad, pictures out of the things. Will have to do for now, as there are more film to be wasted during the next few days. 

Oh yes, we were in Scotland. He was standing here in his kilt, probably freezing a few bits off. He looked happy enough, no matter what. 

I opened my drawer yesterday. The one upstairs in the cottage you know, the one supposed to contain a few clothes I might need. It's always good to open one of my drawers as they seem to contain stuff I had forgot about. Simple things like yesterdays need of fresh socks made me run into two great cameras, a couple of good lenses and film. Exposed film, which I could not remember having put in there. I knew the films did exist, because my "Notes" I told you about the other day have been telling me that there should be films somewhere that have yet to be washed in some developer. I have had no particular clue on where to exactly find them, though. Well, now they're taken out of the drawer and put elsewhere together with the few rolls I have exposed during last period of work. I might even find that something has sticked on them. When I get to the developing, that is. Ofcourse. 

That would be some underwear to stroll around in... huh?! To be honest I think it's a good thing that we have moved a bit forward since the days this was used. Found it inside one of the buildings up there on the hill in Edinburgh. The castle, you know.

Well... I wrote them words you just read quite a few days ago, to be honest. Have had things to do, as you might understand?! 
Not that I have done much, more that I have been out and about and around. It's called life, as you know. 
Today I was up early. Scanned the last film from the trip to England a while ago. You see I can't get it all done in just a few moments. Oh, and I have been to work as well. One month at sea, you know. 
We got some fish in them nets, as it happens. Which was good as we had a fish meal planned. Three cods, one of them quite big, a nice haddock and a couple of good sized pollacks. We made fish cakes (as we do over here) of everything besides the cod. They were turned into a couple of fantastic meals straight away. It was very nice

Up the stairs they go. I tried them as well, and managed quite well I would have to say. It's up there, inside the walls of Edinburgh castle. 

Well, I better try to get a few things done before the sun sets, even though it seems to set at quite late hours these days. At least when the clouds happen to be somewhere else. 
I will try to get a post out a bit more often folks. Need to blame this hickup on the easter and such, I think. 

1 kommentar:

  1. You got some nice grain on them there snaps, Mr Karlsvig - very moody, those are. I like them.


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