tirsdag 6. november 2018

Strachan 3 --->

Sometimes when doing the sorts of work I'm supposed to do, you find yourself laid up for a few days in something which on a good day might go for a walking distance away from a town or a village or whatever. Sometimes this day may fall on a Sunday, and sometimes you got nothing better to do but go for a walk all by yourself just to get away from whatever is going on at work. Sometimes you just have to go for a walk anyway, even though the ship seems to be just about to flip over and the work is piling up in loads in front of you. 
That's just what happened this day, as far as I remember anyway. It's years ago, actually, but I still remember this stroll along dead streets quite well believe it or not. It did me good.

This one has never been printed, and never posted anywhere either. I was looking through the archives to find something interesting, and came up with this one. I got no particular idea why, but I think it might be because of the patterns of the shades of gray inside it. You might see what I'm talking about, or you may not. 

And I got no further comments about this one...

And yes, it's from up there in Peterhead, Scotland. Of course. 
I've been there a lot, and got one or two snaps of the place. This happens to be one of them. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nah. I just see a boring snap of two walls, part dashed and part painted. And a concrete path poorly patched. Nothing to see here...moving on.

    Or...hmm...maybe...yes, perhaps there is something lurking there. I think if I saw that properly printed (you know what I’m talking about) then I might just stand and stare at it for a while and wonder a little about things. And perhaps also about the sort of person who would take such a snap :)

  2. :) You obviously got the main facts pretty well pinned down there, Michael. Properly printed is rather important, as we know. This is just a film scan, as usual... which we see more than enough of these days anyway!
    I guess we both know the sort of person who would use time and money on such a snap anyway, so we'll let that just lay right where it is... :)


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